I have been meditating with God about walking like Adam or walking like Jesus and why we have to stop being enslaved to the walk Adam took. Adam had it made in the garden and everything was under his authority.
He walked and talked to God like a friend and wanted for nothing. He was content until someone close to him was able to persuade him into not being content. The enemy used the weakness in Adam's life to steal, kill and destroy all the promises God had given him.
Some might ask how?
The answer is really quite simple, we all have people in our lives that we give ear to because of the position they hold with you. In Adam's case, it was his wife Eve who was easily deceived by the cunning serpent in Genesis.
He was able to convince her that God really didn't say that.
"Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'? "
It goes on to say that she responded to him:
"The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.'"
Eve gave ear to something or someone other than what God said and that is where she got into trouble. Doubting what God has told us will always lead us to sin.
After she had decided to eat she gave it to her husband to do the same.
Do you see a pattern start to form here?
Scripture says he roams the earth looking for those whom he can kill steal and destroy.
The 1st time we see that take place is in the garden when he convinced them that God really didn't say that.
That one act of disobedience changed everything for everyone. It set a curse upon mankind that we have reaped since it was sown.
When we read the old testament we see God did miracles all the time and they still were rebellious and didn't obey.
What we see by Adam's walk is disobedience, hardship, and death.
The blessing that God had given man had been stolen by the enemy.
Everything changed for mankind from that day forward.
All authority, all revelation we had was lost and we were put out of the garden.
I can't even imagine what they must have been thinking after that happened. To know that you had everything and you traded that for hardship and death.
To know that you lost this "What is man, that you are mindful of him, or the son of man, that you care for him? You made him for a little while lower than the angels; you have crowned him with glory and honor, putting everything in subjection under his feet."
As we read that scripture we see that it says we were made a little lower than the angels but the word used in Psalms 8 is Elohim which is Hebrew for living God.
Really meditate on the truth that we were made a little lower than the living God! That we have a crown of Glory and Honor and EVERYTHING is in subjection to our feet!
How if Adam lost this blessing are we able to have it back. One word Jesus he walked Adam's walk for us and took back our blessing so that anyone who believes in him can be an heir in God's kingdom like we were supposed to be.
We carry the Glory of God inside of us when we are born again. When we confess Jesus as Lord and ask him to come inside us we are reconciled into the Kingdom of God again.
We have to know what the scriptures say in order to walk in victory to be able to walk in every single promise God has for us.
I encourage you today if you have not accepted Jesus into your heart to do so today and start to walk in victory and the promises he has for you!