What if all the shaking we are feeling isn’t the end of the world BUT the KINGDOM of GOD manifesting on earth as it is in HEAVEN?
I know there is a lot of fear and anxiety right now.
Everywhere we look and listen we are being pumped with FEAR.
This is where understanding the times is so important.
Just like the Jews missed their visitation when Jesus came because he didn’t come the way they had envisioned.
There are a lot of believers getting ready to make the same mistake and miss the day of visitation.
They are waiting on the RAPTURE.
They are looking at the clouds instead of looking from within.
Resurrection Power is within us, and Jesus is coming through us before he come for us.
We must understand the times and season like the sons of Issachar.
We must start to enforce the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus died for our sins and gave us back our authority yet even though we know this we don’t use it.
We allow things in our life, our family, our cities that we have the POWER to say NO too.
Becoming skilled with the sword of the word of God is crucial to enforcing the Kingdom.
Partnering with Angels is something we need to understand and use effectively.
In Acts Holy Spirit was first establishing the church there was a lot of power, direction and angelic encounters for individuals and the church.
We need to get back to this to be effective in the Kingdom.
If you continue to just be a pew filler and not active the shakings that are happening are going to take you out.
God desires us to be HOT or COLD not lukewarm.
I want to encourage you today to with an open mind reread Revelations with the Holy Spirit and see where your eschatology needs adjusted.
We are headed into the GREATEST DAYS for the CHURCH.