I will never forget the time that the Heavenly Father was talking to me about how he waits all day, all week, and all month for his children to come spend time with him.
It broke my heart to think about all the time that he waited for me to come to him but never did.
Waited for me to tell him all that was troubling me but instead I tried to fix it myself only to make it worst.
I struggled in my walk with him because I didn’t have an intimate relationship with him.
I didn’t know the plans he had for me or how much he truly loved me.
When you cultivate the secret place with him, he shares his HEART with you.
He tells you things because he can trust you with them.
You become a friend of God’s and there is no better place to be.
The creator of everything including you is waiting patiently for you to spend time with him.
He has things he wants to tell you and impart unto you.
Your life will never be the same once you have had a taste of the secret place.
“There’s a private place reserved for the devoted lovers of Yahweh, where they sit near him and receive the revelation-secrets of his promises.”
Psalms 25:14 TPT