My Mandate

Susan Arcadia Ministries

My mandate is to teach people to encounter the father. 

Wow is all I can say that he would trust me with this.

When I was at my absolute lowest and I had ruined everything in my life, my marriage, my business, my relationship with my children I cried out in desperation to the father.

I told him if he saved me, I would go all in with him and what a journey it has been.

I took what I knew worked for my grandma and what worked from my spiritual father and started to do the same.

I am not even the same women that cried out to him from that hospital bed. 

I am REDEEMED and A Mighty Women of Valor now.

How did I get there you may ask?

My learning to encounter the father every morning.

It has forever changed my life and I have stepped into my destiny he had for me before the foundations of the earth were even created.

One word from the father changes everything.

Six months ago, he said this to me in an encounter “That he wants me to continue to stand and roar and that he put a measure of authority in me that draws people in to sit and listen to what I am saying. That there will be a vulnerability that I speak with people will be open to what is being spoken.”

When he said that to me, I had no idea what that would even be?

In another encounter he said this to me “that all of the pressure that I’ve been under has developed a beautiful diamond. That he’s carved facets into me that when it’s held up it will be blinding to people that his love will draw them in”

I still had no idea what that would be until he spoke to me about what my mandate was.

Then all the words the father spoke to me made sense and brought understanding and clarity to me and what I was called to do.

The father said I was his lighthouse, and I was to help the people he sent to me and that I was to teach his people to encounter him.

Within that week that he spoke that to me confirmation of that came from the pulpit when my Pastor prophesied to me.

The word my Pastor had for me was SPOT ON!! 

Then we had a lady’s brunch and a guest speaker who also prophesied to me and confirmed another thing that the father was asking of me.

Then my spiritual father spoke to me that now was my time for full-time ministry and my business would be a part-time focus.

Now I have never been in full-time ministry and that makes me apprehensive, but the father spoke to me that everything was going to OK and just to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

We must remember that obedience is the father’s love language.

So now as I wade out into the deep end with the father I am excited to see where this leads me.

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