Jesus didn’t JUST come to reconcile us back to God he came to give us back our authority that Adam lost in the garden. It was supposed to be heaven on earth and still can be once we learn how to wear the garments God gave us.
Adam wore the:
Robe of Righteousness
Garments of Praise
Tunic of Authority
And so did Jesus and we too now can wear them and walk in the authority given to Adam and back to us through Christ Jesus.
We had all authority, all revelation, and dominion on this earth when we were created.
Adam and Eve lost those things for all mankind and changed creation at that time.
Jesus walked the exact same path Adam did but did it perfectly to restore all that was given to man at the creation of mankind.
The word of God says so much more than we can even fathom and that is why we must meditate on it. When we meditate on it God gives us revelation about the word and about us.
So after I did some studying on the Hebrew meaning of the words used in the old testament I found out this.
A robe is meant to be worn on the outside of other garments and is what the eye sees. Righteousness is the quality or state of being morally correct and justifiable. So we can clearly see in that definition that what others see is that we as believers are to be morally correct in all that we do, all that we say, and all that we believe.
A garment is a piece of clothing or a windproof outer garment. That is worn under the robe and with our praise shelters us from the troubles that life brings us through our praise. To praise God in all we do, all we say, and all we believe is another crucial layer of the garments God made for us.
The Tunic of Authority is the last piece of clothing Adam was given at creation. When you read in Genesis 1 you see that we were given all dominion over the earth. Everything we ever needed God created for us and gave us rule over it.
It was our blessing that the enemy stole from us in the garden of Eden and Jesus came to restore that back to us his people. It is our birthright to walk on this earth free from everything. To walk with God all the days of our lives like Enoch.
The enemy came into the garden to kill, steal and destroy mankind but Jesus came to give life and life more abundantly. Both of those actions were done on a tree of life. The revelation God gave me on this has completely undone me.
My goal is to meditate on what it means to truly wear:
Robe of Righteousness
Garments of Praise
Tunic of Authority
Every time I spend time in prayer on what this means there is a tangible presence of God on me.
I have a deep sense of huge spiritual growth on my part when I meditate on these things. The anointing is weighty when I do and know that God wants to teach me how to do this in everything I do, everything I say, and everything I believe.
I encourage you today to get into an intimate time with God and see where that takes you!