The order of my life that creates success
1. Sit at the feet of Jesus
2. Live Love and Laugh with your family
3. Good works in the community
4. Running my businesses
I have learned over the years through trial and error what ought to be the order. There have been years I have put other things before sitting at Jesus’s feet and have paid dearly for that.
I would put my family before him and on the surface to some may feel like that isn’t really wrong that our family needs us. The fact is that our family needs us to be full of the spirit to walk out our faith in front of them and to teach our little ones.
I would put my job before him thinking I had to make 1 more dollar and then I would go to church. Coming to a place of pride in my career that I forgot who opened that door for me. It wasn’t until I sat at Jesus’s feet that I went from being the tail to the head in my career. It wasn’t until I put Jesus at the forefront that he blessed me with my own successful business because I could be trusted.
Good works were non-existent in my world because of the self absorb lifestyle I was leading. I was one of the rudest people you probably would ever have met. Besides being rude I suffered from a huge entitlement problem and add in a dash of offense and I was a real peach to go out with.
It wasn’t until I was hospitalized for a severe kidney infection that the Lord had me all to himself. It was during the onset of COVID and no visitors were allowed. God used that horrible pandemic to rescue me and draw me to him in an intimate way like never before.
I grew up in church and knew all the right songs to sing and could quote a scripture or two. God used a crumbled foundation of my youth to rebuild something beautiful unto himself.
He breathed life into the areas that had died long ago. He brought a renewing to my spirit that couldn’t get enough of him. I started to learn to love him and myself in his true nature.
At my bottom, I had completely forgotten about God, traded my family for my career and when I lost that career I had nothing left. Only God and me in a lonely hospital bed where he started to do heart surgery on me.
I came out of the hospital with a new heart and a new order on how life was to be lived. I was able to pull from all the pieces of the broken foundation that was laid in my youth. I remembered how my grandma started every morning off having her coffee and reading the word at the kitchen table.
I started my morning off just like she did and then I put my family next. Just being there in the moment not on my phone or my laptop but only with them. Little by little I saw the breath of God blow into our family.
As I continued to be faithful with God as number one and family as number two things changed in my career. I was becoming the woman of faith like I was created to be.
I was doing the things God asked of me and I was truly doing good works in the community which is a manifestation of Christ in your life.
I wasn’t focused on myself I was focused on God and then he started to breathe life into my business again. If you would have told me ten years ago I would be where I am today I would not have believed you.
The bible says that the kindness of God brings to repentance and I can say I have lived this verse out in my life over the last few years. The grace Jesus extended to me and the love he has shown me has forever changed me.
If you are struggling with being successful reflect on the order of things that you put 1st your life. Putting Jesus 1st place in your life will ease your yoke and you will have others to help you bear your burdens.
God wants us to want him to be 1st in our life.