Has the Father given you a business idea or a dream that is SO BIG you’re afraid to even consider it?
Has God the Father given you a witty invention that you are sitting on?
We are in the season that God is raising up RADICAL ON FIRE businesspeople and Entrepreneurs who will not bow a knee to culture but will wade out into the deep end with the leading of the Holy Spirit to bring revival to the marketplace.
Those of you who dare to believe what God is speaking to you will be rewarded with platforms and businesses that will rival Amazon, Facebook, Tesla and the other companies that are evangelizing for the kingdom of darkness.
They will be the light on top of the hills in each of the different industries God is calling you to.
I have found in my own personal journey that if he is calling you to it, you will have a GRACE on you to complete it.
We are in a period where the wealth transfer is happening and as the wicked start to lose their fortunes it is for us as the body of Christ to be positioned to receive it.
Consumers like to shop at Amazon and the other big companies we have grown accustomed to the services and features they provide.
It’s time that Godly alternatives rise and take their seat at the table in the marketplace that God has set before these wicked companies that take the profit from our business and fund things that grieve God’s kingdom.
It’s time to partner with what God is doing in this era and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth!!
He wants to do exceedingly abundantly anything that you can think or imagine.
I encourage you today to jump off into the dreams God the Father has given you the marketplace is waiting for you!!