Are you encountering the father on a daily basis?
If you answered no I want to encourage you to start YOUR life will forever be changed.
Growing up in church I was taught who Jesus was and what he did for me.
I accepted him and was filled with the holy spirit when I was in junior high school.
I can remember alters of my youth when I would feel the presence of God.
I went to bible college and learned all kinds of theology.
Not once did I ever have an encounter that changed my trajectory.
I had an up and down walk with him where I struggled with drugs and alcohol.
Searching for something to fill the void that I felt within.
It took me 40 years to finally have a REAL ENCOUNTER that changed everything.
I had my Paul or Zacchaeus moment that changed their entire life with one encounter with the Lord.
That it didn’t matter what happened in my past that I was a creation created new and that I could go BODLY before the throne of God and talk with him.
Man, when I found that out some of those sacred cows from my childhood tipped over.
Once you have a true encounter and talk with the father those words will keep you coming back for more and more.
It’s part of that daily bread that Jesus mentions in the Lord’s prayer but originally was first mentioned in Deuteronomy.
“Man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord.”
I have found that by sitting with the father every morning in intimacy that my entire day is aligned with what he wants to accomplish through me that day.
That if I was frustrated or tired that my entire countenance changes just like with Moses.
I would find myself full of energy and joy.
The scripture does say that the joy of the Lord is our strength.
Having the creator of all the world spend time to talk to you and tell you what he created you for is the MOST AMAZING thing you could EVER DO.
I truly believe that if as believers we learn to spend time with him every morning that we would be the change the world needs.
All of creation is groaning for the SONS OF GOD to walk the earth!