The word that God gave me this morning is "Inexhaustible" and the verse with it: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10
God's love for us is inexhaustible
God's grace is inexhaustible
God's mercies are inexhaustible
God's forgiveness for our sins is inexhaustible
God's blessings for us are inexhaustible
God's plan for us is inexhaustible
God has a plan for you better than your plan because he is a master craftsman who knew your name before he created the foundations of the world and created you in His image for a purpose greater than you can even imagine. Look at his complex beautiful creation called the heavens and the earth and we are the BEST of His work. In today’s world, it is so easy for us to look around and see what we don’t have instead of what we do have! We are bombarded with negativity, self-worth issues, money woes, broken relationships, unhappiness. Instead of pushing into our creator to fill those voids, fix the broken, and love us back to health, we allow the enemy to browbeat us into thinking that we are not worth anything. He gave his life for YOU how many people do you know did that for you? He loves us and wants to show us his inexhaustible love and blessings today all we have to do is pursue him! When we do EVERYTHING changes and we start to take on his traits. Having more patients with our children and the people around us. Start extending grace and mercy to those we use to not. Start to share and help those who we don’t even know their name. WHY? Because we become more Christ-like when we press into him and the old man starts getting further and further in the rearview mirror. Pretty soon we can’t even relate with who we used to be, the old person who was all hopped up on emotions instead of TRUTH!
See the truth is God so loved us he gave his only Son for us, to take our punishment and our death so that we wouldn’t have to. To reconcile us to the creator so we could have life and life more abundantly. For years I heard this in church but never had a real-life application or a LIFE CHANGING moment that I finally got what that meant! I feel kinda silly that it took me 45 years TO GET IT, but that is OK at least I did get it. Now not only do I walk in the truth of what Jesus did for me but also the authority we have in him. When I was in the corporate world I knew in my position as an executive how much authority I had and I walked in that authority every day! Guess what if you read and study the bible we were given authority over all of the world! WHAT??? Did you hear that? We have been given the authority through Christ Jesus, in the bible it says : Far over all rule and authority and power and every name which is named, not only in the present order, but in that which is to come: And he has put all things under his feet, and has made him to be head over all things to the church, Eph1:21-22. See the church is not a building we go to once a week or for some once a year, but it’s you it’s me its anyone who believes in him is the church and we all have a purpose THAT IS PRETTY important! It literally could be the difference between someone going to heaven or hell. I am just gonna let you think about that……………………… God’s love for us is inexhaustible, his forgiveness is inexhaustible, his mercies for us are inexhaustible, his grace for us is inexhaustible and his blessings for us are inexhaustible. So I encourage you to get into God’s word and into private worship with him today and see where God takes you!