You have to study God's word not just read it in order to
REALLY CHANGE. Yesterday our pastor had a good sermon that this morning I read and studied and this is the pearl I got:
oratory- a small chapel, especially for private worship
precatory- relating to or expressing a wish or request
eucharistical- giving thanks; expressing thankfulness; rejoicing
Having private worship every morning giving thanks for and rejoicing in!
If I don't spend time God and express thankfulness for all he has done for me and rejoice in the promises he has given me HOW
could I expect anything to change in my life? Everything changed in my life when I started to get real about my walk with God. To be faithful in reading his word and spending time with him all throughout the day and being obedient to what he asks of me. The more I press into him, I find it changes me to be more like him. I find the old me disappearing more and more, I find that I am full of love, peace, joy, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. See these are the opposite of how I used to be and sometimes still slip back into so easily if I don't make time for private worship and give thanksgiving to him. See I finally have a real-life application to the scriptures I have read my whole life but now have an understanding and can apply it to my life. Most of you that know me I am a competitive person and I am going to take that trait and make it for God's glory. I am going to compete with my old self. I am going to be a better believer than I was a sinner be a better giver than a spender, better lover than I was a hater, a better listener than I was a talker. A better owner than I was an employee. One of the things I used to say to people was " you have 2 ears and 1 mouth" I should have taken my own advice. Instead of being so prideful and haughty, I am going to be more humble and teachable. I had to have Jonah moment in the belly of the whale or great fish in order be birthed into what God has prepared for me. I had to have private worship so God could speak to me and work on the things THAT
had to be changed in order to get to the place he needs me to be. To be able to use me for his GLORY,
not mine. To complete the good work he started in me so that my cry out to him was replaced with thanksgiving and a shout for what he has and is doing in my life and the lives around me. Remember you don't have to be great to start but you have to start for God to do GREAT
things with you and through you.