As God continues to talk to me about love and how he loves his children this verse gets my attention this morning “In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength, you will guide them to your holy dwelling.”
This is a declaration spoken of what God will do for the ones that he redeemed. Now I have found that as I continue to press into God that the meaning of what I thought words meant and the true definition are quite different.
To be redeemed is wider in its application than ransom, and means to buy back, regain possession of, or exchange for money, goods, etc.
To regain possession is a really good term in what God did for us after Adam sentenced all mankind to death. God so loved us that he sent his son to take our place.
Now as a mother who has 4 children I can’t even fathom sacrificing my child for anything. Yet that is exactly what God did on the cross. We were redeemed with that act of love.
The scripture above states “in your unfailing love” now that is a REALLY big statement. God’s love is unfailing and that is really hard for us as people to wrap our minds around.
Because it is really hard in the natural world to love that way. We have all been failed time and time again by those that PROCLAIM to love us.
We allow the hurt and betrayal to consume us in an unhealthy way that really warps all future relationships we will have.
We allow the enemy to have victory after victory in areas of our lives God wants to bless. We are hanging onto past hurts and wrongs subconsciously.
We allow our emotions to lie to us and rule our decision-making. This is where getting our minds and thoughts into subjection is crucial to getting a victory.
To know that God’s love is unfailing! That means without error or fault it means being reliable and constant. Man, that gets me excited!! Knowing that God’s love will be constant even when I am not.
Knowing that his love will be endless it will be inexhaustible!
Now that we have a better understanding of that the second part of that declaration made by Moses was “In your strength, you will guide them to your holy dwelling.”
What is the holy dwelling he was speaking of? YOU
We have to really meditate on that to understand that the holy spirit lives in us to lead and guide us. That we are equal with Jesus and that he didn’t think it robbery to be equal with God.
That he is in the Father and Father in him and we in them. To be one with them is where we have to get to REALLY see the fullness of God.
To know the authority and power we have with them and through them!
The power and authority to do all the miracles Jesus did when he walked the earth.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son”
I pray that you meditate on God’s love for you today and that you start to love yourself the way God loves you! That love changes everything around you.
That love breaks strongholds in people’s lives and saves people. That love cures people’s sickness and heals broken hearts. That love forever changes you into who God created you to be.
Stop letting the devil whisper lies to you about your worth about your ability about your future. Stop letting the negative thoughts about yourself rule your mind and emotions.
Stand in victory over everything that Jesus took on the cross for you!