Circumstances never dictate our future God does in my bible study this morning I was reading in Daniel chapter 1 & 2 and got this from it.
Daniel was involved in a hostile takeover of 1 kingdom to another.
He was in the king of Judah’s family of noble birth and when another kingdom did a hostile takeover he was put into that king's service instead of being in the King’s family or nobility.
Even though he had a major change of circumstances he still had the favor of God in his life. He found favor with the captain in charge over him and God gave him the things he needed to keep that favor. When trouble befell on those in the same position as Daniel everyone was to be given the same punishment. Daniel stepped out in faith and said to the captain take me to the king I can tell him his dream and interrupt it. Then Daniel went to his friends and they prayed that God would give them the dream and how to interrupt it. God gave Daniel the answer and because of that he was elevated into the highest position in all the kingdom and even his friends that prayed with him also received favor because of it.
The Holy Spirit gave me so many things in these 2 chapters so the obvious is Daniel was put into a position he didn’t ask for. He went from being of nobility in 1 kingdom and a servant into another. He still honored God in what he ate and drank and was faithful to God. He did his work unto God not the king and he had a boldness in his faith. The text didn’t talk of him worrying about what he was going to do when his circumstances changed from being of nobility to a servant. It didn’t talk about him worrying about when he got word that he was to be put to death because of someone else's actions. What the text did say was that “Then Daniel gave an answer with wisdom and good sense to Arioch, the captain of the king's armed men, who had gone out to put to death the wise men of Babylon”
If we are worrying we are not operating with wisdom or good sense, why? Because the worrying overtakes the good sense God gives us. We are focused on the problems and circumstances instead on God and what he wants. Daniel goes on to then be bold that God would give him the king's dream and be able to interrupt it for him. So with that boldness before he even asked God the answer he stepped out into faith and said “And Daniel went in and made a request to the king to give him time and he would make clear the sense of his dream to the king.”
So now that he stepped out in faith and believed that God would give the answer to him he went to 3 of the other believers and they prayed for God to give them what they needed in their time of trouble and not to be put to destruction. If they had not gone to God and asked for what was needed and worried instead the story would not have turned out the way it did. God can’t operate when we are worrying WHY? Because that means that we don’t have trust or belief that God will bring forth whatever we are worrying about. It is in that unbelief that sin enters in and we know that where there is sin God can’t be there.
So now that he went into prayer for his needs we see that God was faithful to respond to Daniel & friends request and gave him the answer he needed to not only save his life but elevated him to a position higher than he had before the takeover of 1 kingdom to another. Had Daniel not honored God in the things he did when his life changed from nobility to servant and had boldness in his belief of what his God would do for him he would never had this happen to him “Then the king made Daniel great, and gave him offerings in great number, and made him ruler over all the land of Babylon, and chief over all the wise men of Babylon”
We see in the verse above that Daniel was promoted into a higher position in the new kingdom than he would have ever been in the kingdom where he was born into nobility. God was able to use Daniel for his glory and more importantly Daniel allowed God to use him.
How many times in life are we in a position of being in the family or nobility, considered important because of circumstances beyond our control that all changes overnight?
I encourage you to seek God and not to worry about circumstances that God has a plan for you and that when he is done you will be in a better position than before your circumstances changed.