Today I had a call with a tech-platform looking for money from us, as I listened to what makes their platform different from the other influencer platform’s we have been pitched I started to think this. The favor and influence that comes from God cannot compare to the worlds. When you read through the scriptures, we see examples over and over again of being favored by God to over 100 times.
The first time we see that Abel had favor when his brother Cain did not why? Scriptures say that “And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So, Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast” Abel found favor in God’s sight because he gave his first and best to God.
The next time we see the word favor in Scriptures is with Noah, “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.” What was that favor? It was that he and his entire family was saved from destruction when the entire earth was flooded. He found favor in the sight of God because of this” Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God”
And throughout the bible we see in scripture a common theme of people seeking and finding God’s favor. To have fellowship with God and to know his ways, being obedient to what his asked of them. That is how all the greats in the bible found God’s favor, but they just didn’t find his favor they also had influence because of that favor.
We see that Daniel had God’s favor and was influential in his time, that they sought him out for insight and for wisdom. They knew that his God was the only living God and that he would have the answers because of his God giving him the knowledge and wisdom. Not only did God’s favor save Daniel on multiple occasions but it elevated him to a high position within the time he lived.
We see that Joseph had favor all through his life, with his father and even when his brothers meant to have him killed. He was sold into slavery and yet found favor with Pharaoh. He was given charge over Pharaoh’s kingdom and he was made influential in Egypt and that allowed his entire family to be saved.
Then I come to this scripture “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
This one gets me right in the center of my Spirit, this is what is needed TODAY in our world.
We see people in social media having influence just because they have one million followers! They are peddling products and ideology just to make a buck. People that blindly follow because they don’t have any favor or influence of their own and are looking for SOMETHING!
We need to start as believers stepping into the authority Christ gives us just like the days of old to not only be saved but to save the lives around us. I feel an obligation in my spirit as someone who has God’s favor and has become influential in my current place God has elevated me.
As the world falls deeper into loving themselves, we have to be a loud voice of what is right according to God and call out what is wrong according to God. The people we come into contact with everyday are searching for the answer. Searching for love, peace, understanding, security and so much more.
As a believer these are all fruits, we should be exhibiting in our lives daily, these fruits clearly show God’s favor on us and then gives us the ability to influence those we come into contact daily with rather it is in person, over the phone, on a Zoom call or social media.
I am always amazed on the influence I have on others, and I am always trying to make sure the God is on the forefront of my conversation with them. When I talk to them about business, they know by my words that I am a believer. When I talk to them on a personal level, they know that I am a believer by my words.
So, my question for you is are you doing what the bible says? Are you stirring up one another in love and good works? Making yourself available to those in need and encouraging each other?
Time is so short; I knew from a young girl that I would always see Jesus come back in my lifetime and the signs all point too that being still the case. People all around the world are hurting and dying because they need to be shown the Love of God. To see that he favors those who love him and that they can be elevated into a higher place than the broken spot they find themselves when he finds them. We are supposed to put our lamp on a table not hide it and I know so many that are still afraid to show their lamp in the workplace, or anywhere else other than church on Sunday’s. We are supposed to love one another, I challenge you to go love someone you don’t know your soul will thank you for it!