While spending time with Jesus this morning I was reading Acts 4 and the Holy Spirit really spoke to me how this chapter is relevant TODAY!
As believers, the Spirit of Religion is trying to shut us up and take away the platforms God has given us to PREACH the good news of Jesus and the miraculous that follows that preaching.
They want to take away our freedom of speech, our guns, and our way of life that we have had for generations. The church and its leaders have become comfortable with sin in the 4 walls of the church.
The leaders of the church have kicked out the supernatural workings of the Holy Spirit and the anointing. By doing that all the POWER was kicked out with it and churches then became a for-profit business.
God is doing something new on the earth TODAY that is going to make every single person in the world decide whose side they are on?
Churches today are sick and need the Holy Spirit just as much as the secular world does.
How did we get to this point? How did allow the thief to steal our power?
As Christians, we believe that Jesus died a horrific death on the cross and was resurrected on the 3rd day. The supernatural power of the Holy Spirit raised Christ from the dead and that same power is what resides in us as believers.
We are the glory carries just like Jesus and his disciples were and we must recognize that we have all authority and power.
The unrest in our nation we see today is really a spiritual war going on for The United States of America's future. We must be unified as believers and fight in the spirit realm with intercession and prayers.
We must speak out loud and write the word of God and SHOUT our victory just like at the Walls of Jericho!
Your children's children future is at stake and our way of life is on the border of being taken from us. So many Christians are still asleep and we that are wide awake must continue to shake them awake.
As a business owner in the marketplace, this is where you come in. By proclaiming the miraculous works of Jesus Christ to everyone we encounter making an impact on them. Just like Peter and John did in Acts 4 over 5,000 people took heed to what was preached accepted it and became part of the Army of God.
We must stop fighting amongst ourselves on doctrines, denominations, and legalism and put on the whole armor of God in order to be effective.
It says in the bible that a house divided can't stand, yet we are the ones that have divided ourselves. We must walk in love for all and regardless of what Church we go to become fearless soldiers in God's army.
We must become the greats of this age just like David, Moses, Abraham, Samson, Peter, and Paul of the old. We get to study them and see what their weakness was and what their strengths are. We have an advantage that they did not, and we must capitalize on that!
In Acts it says:
Why the big noise, nations?
Why the mean plots, peoples?
Earth's leaders push for position, Potentates meet for summit talks,
The God-deniers, the Messiah-defiers!"
It's as though that verse was written for today, if you take out Potentates and put in Biden and the rest of the corrupt leaders in the world.
We must fight back against this in the Spirit realm as well as in the natural!
Many are asking how do we fight? It is really quite simple; we fight by being the light in the world.
By showing the kindness of God that leads to repentance and standing in the gap in prayer for those who are too weak to stand on their own.
By being BOLD as LIONS when it comes to laying on of hands to heal people and having the FAITH we see in Philippians 4:13 and Luke 1:37.
By being the BEST billboard for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly and my challenge for you today is to put on the entire armor of God and battle for the ones that are not able to battle for themselves yet!